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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Telegram bots that can let you earn bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

Lately, we have been checking with the Telegram app, and we have found several bots that let you earn bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies either as faucet or as automatic mining.

Heres a list of these bots for you to check and begin earning daily or even hourly.

1) BTC Faucet, every 30 seconds you can increase your BTC amount. BTC FAUCET LINK

2) BTC Miner, gives you a nive amount of BTC per day, absolutely on automatic. BTC_Miner_robot

3) Coinbolt bot, gives you 5% daily on your investment. Coinbolt_bot

4) iCenter BTC bot, 2.4% daily on your investment. icenter_bot

Hope you enjoy reviewing this interesting opportunities.

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